Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring is Here!

It's finally here! The first day of Spring. Though it may not feel like it just yet, we all can get excited for the upcoming warmer weather, the beautiful colors of the blooming flowers, and just the overall rebirth of nature. It feels like Spring took forever to grace us this year, after experiencing one of the worst winters we've seen in quite some time. But have no fear my friends, Spring has sprung and before you know it the sun will be shining, the birds will be chirping, and the flowers will be in bloom. 

I took a poll amongst some of my friends and family, asking them what they like most about Spring. Here is how they responded.
1. The smell in the air just after it rains
2. Tulips and flowers in general
3. Smells
4. Warmer weather
5. Baby birds
6. Longer days
7. Easter candy
8. The clothes
9. Long walks
10. Being able to open the windows and doors

Photo found on Pinterest. Original source unknown. 

This Spring I have a few things to look forward to. To start, at the end of April I will be visiting two of my very good friends, Amanda & Ryan, in Fort Lauderdale. Their company is hosting a fundraiser golf tournament so it was the perfect excuse to make a long weekend trip. I always have a great time with these two. 

Additionally, every year Nick and I take a weekend trip to Carlisle, PA. The Import Nationals car show is hosted at the fairgrounds in May. We have sort of made it a tradition of ours to attend. It's a fun weekend where we camp out, spend time with friends, and for Nick, checking out all of the old Audi's and other imports. 

Lastly, well...this really isn't something I'm looking forward to but the GN Crew is basically forcing me beyond my control. Ok, I'm being a tad dramatic...but we are all going to run the Freihofer's Run For Women at the end of May. Now keep in mind, though I may be working out, playing soccer, and such...long distance running is not my forte. I'm really only doing it for the free box of cookies I will receive at the finish line. 

I hope everyone enjoys their Spring time season and embraces every fun moment and opportunity that comes their way. As I said, it's the season of new beginnings! 
Photo found on Pinterest. Original source unknown. 

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